Tag Archives: tupelo

The FISH : ” Rainbow Runner ” (Elagatis Bipinnulata) Other names :Rainbow Jack, Spanish Jack. Although this fish is found Gulf wide, it is becoming scarce. It prefers open areas of Blue Water near the surface & never near land. Rainbow Runners gather in large schools of over 300 fish near reef drop-offs. The ” food value ” is excellent. Although Rainbow Runners are usually found under 15 pounds, they can grow to over 90 pounds and six feet in length. Size of wood carving : Length = 10 7/8. Overall Size of background painting = 8 3/4 ” x 11 3/4 “. Projection from Canvas Board background = 2 ” at the tail & 1 3/4 ” at mid-fish. Frame Depth overall at edges is 1 3/4. The frame is 15 ” x 18 ” and was custom made and glazed with a clearcoat finish. I selected canvas board as the support since I had to avoid the flexing of stretched canvas. What makes my carved fish special is the fact that I use one single piece of Tupelo (my favorite wood to carve) with nothing glued, screwed, nailed, or joined. No glass eyes glued to it. No fins or other features stuck on. I basically use two knives, emory board files, and sandpaper. About 40 hours on carving and the same for all painted surfaces. YES they are a labor of love to create! Yes I have an Art background but never took a class in wood carving. My art has been displayed in art shows and displays but I have never wanted to sell them. We have them displayed all over our home. Thank you for your interest.

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- 10pc
- 11-foot
- 110220v
- 110v
- 11ancient
- 11vintage
- 12-piece
- 125x85x6
- 12in
- 13-foot
- 1300x2500mm
- 14th
- 14vintage
- 1500mw
- 15×39
- 1610500mw
- 16th
- 17-inch
- 17th
- 1800s
- 1870's
- 18th
- 18th-19th
- 1900's
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- 1940-50's
- 1950's
- 1950s-60s
- 1960s
- 1970s
- 1980s
- 19th
- 2-hand
- 20pc
- 220v
- 227''
- 23-inch
- 23pair
- 24×40
- 2500mw
- 255h
- 26×17
- 28four
- 28×20
- 2pcsteak
- 3-axis
- 3000mw
- 300w
- 3040t
- 30hrs
- 31-24
- 31-24odin
- 31-24wood
- 32in
- 34-inch
- 35-inch
- 35×13
- 35x60cm
- 3axis
- 4-feet
- 4-piece
- 40''
- 4pcs
- 5065cm
- 53151cmworld
- 56-40wood
- 60cm
- 87cm
- aafa
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- acanthus
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- adorable
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- anteater
- antelope
- antique
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- antiquevintage
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- apache
- arabian
- arbortech
- archangel
- archie
- archipelago
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- armadillo
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- arthur
- artisan
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- artistic
- ashanti
- asherah
- ashley
- asian
- asis
- asmr
- assembled
- assorted
- atlant
- atomstack
- atqe
- attempting
- australian
- authentic
- automatic
- awesome
- axis
- aztec
- baby
- backgammon
- badger
- baga
- bagus
- bald
- bali
- balinese
- balinese-goddess-legong-dancer-statue-carving-sculpture-carved-wood-bali-art
- baluster
- bandsawing
- barbara
- barn
- baroque
- bastet
- bath
- bayfield
- beach
- bear
- beautiful
- beautifully
- beaver
- beavercraft
- beginner
- bellamy
- benin
- bergner
- best
- betta
- bhumisparsha
- biblical
- bighorn
- bikers
- bill
- billy
- biomorphic
- bird
- birds
- birth
- bison
- bizarre
- black
- black-capped
- blackamoor
- blas
- blessed
- blessing
- blow
- blue
- boar
- bois
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- boomer'spirit
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- bottle
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- breathtaking
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- brutalist
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- bubut
- buck
- buddha
- buffalo
- build
- builds
- bukvall
- bull
- bural
- c17th
- c18th
- caballito
- calm
- cara
- cardinal
- caribou
- carl
- carol
- carousel
- carve
- carved
- carver
- carvers
- carvers-hand
- carvewright
- carving
- casas
- casket
- castle
- catholic
- cattle
- cedar
- century
- ceremonial
- chaim
- chain
- chainsaw
- chameleon
- charatan
- charles
- charming
- cheerful
- cherries
- cherry
- chester
- chickadee
- chicken
- child
- china
- chinese
- chisel
- chris
- christ
- cigar
- circa
- circle
- clark
- clearance
- clock
- clocks
- cnc3018
- coal
- cocobolo
- collect
- collectible
- collectibles
- collecting
- collection
- color
- colorful
- comical
- commission
- competition
- connie
- contemporary
- copper
- cork
- corpus
- cougar
- country
- couple
- cowboy
- coyote
- crafting
- crafts
- craftsman
- craig
- creality
- creating
- cross
- crowned
- crucifix
- crusaders
- cuckoo
- custom
- cutco
- cute
- cutthroat
- cypress
- daibusshi
- dangerous
- daniel
- danish
- dante
- dastra
- dave
- david
- davis
- dbxcutter
- deco
- decor
- decorative
- deer
- deluz
- demetz
- demon
- dental
- desktop
- detailed
- devil
- dewi
- diego
- different
- digs
- diorama
- disney
- divine
- djembe
- dodo
- dogon
- doll
- dolphin
- dominican
- donna
- door
- double
- dragon
- dragoncarved
- dragonfly
- drake
- drakes
- drapery
- dremel
- drift
- driftwood
- driftwoodart
- druids
- duane
- duck
- durga
- eagle
- early
- earth
- earthy
- easily
- easley
- easy
- ebony
- elder
- electric
- elegant
- elephant
- elephants
- elijah
- elmore
- embracing
- emil
- england
- engraving
- entry
- epoxy
- erawan
- eric
- ernesto
- erotic
- escultura
- ethnographic
- european
- evans
- evelyn
- evening
- exceptional
- exotic
- expert
- exquisite
- extra
- extraordinary
- extreme
- extremely
- fabulous
- fair
- fairy
- fairyhouse
- fantastic
- farmer
- fastest
- favorite
- feast
- feather
- female
- fierce
- filigree
- filipino
- fine
- first
- fish
- fishing
- flanders
- flexcut
- flight
- floating
- flock
- floral
- flower
- flying
- focusable
- folk
- folkloric
- foot
- foredom
- forged
- formal
- found
- four-poster
- frame
- framed
- francis
- frank
- franz
- frederick
- free
- freedman
- french
- full
- gamelan
- ganapati
- gandalf
- ganesh
- ganesha
- garuda
- gator
- gemini
- gene
- génie
- geometric
- george
- georgian
- gert
- giant
- gilded
- gilted
- giovanni
- giraffe
- giuseppe
- glenn
- gluing
- gnome
- goat
- goddes
- godzilla
- goku
- gold
- gold-color
- gorgeous
- gothic
- gouge
- graff
- gransfors
- gray
- grbl
- great
- green
- grey
- griffin
- gryphon
- guanyin
- guardian
- guatemalan
- guide
- gunnar
- haitian
- halali
- halloween
- hammerhead
- hand
- hand-carved
- hand-carved-wood-saint-sculpture
- hand-made
- handcarved
- handcrafted
- handmade
- handstand
- hanging
- hansen
- hanuman
- happy
- hardest
- hares
- havel
- hawaiian
- hawk
- head
- headboard
- headed
- healthy
- hear
- heart
- heavy
- heirloom
- helvie
- henckels
- henry
- high
- hindu
- hoch
- holy
- holzschnitzerei
- hooded
- hopi
- hornbill
- horse
- hosfeld
- hours
- house
- howard
- howling
- huge
- hulk
- human
- humpback
- hunt
- hunter
- hunting
- hurdy
- hutsuls
- icon
- iconic
- iconostasis
- iguana
- ildefonso
- image
- immaculate
- imposante
- impresionantes
- impressive
- inch
- inches
- incredible
- indian
- indio
- indonesian
- infant
- infinite
- intaglio
- intricately
- intriguing
- intro
- inuit
- iron
- ironwood
- italian
- italy
- jack
- jacques
- jade
- jaguar
- jaipur
- jamaican
- japan
- japanese
- jason
- jeanne
- jeff
- jere
- jesus
- jinan
- joaquin
- jockey
- joesue
- johannes
- john
- jorge
- jose
- joseph
- julius
- jumanji
- jumbo
- jungle
- junior
- kachina
- kanok
- kansas
- katlot
- kentucky
- khmer
- kind
- king
- knife
- knight
- koala
- kobe
- koppy
- krawchuk
- krishna
- krogens
- kruzifix
- kumara
- kunz
- kutzall
- kwakiutl
- kwan
- lacque
- lacquer
- lady
- lama
- laminated
- large
- largest
- larry
- laser
- last
- leafy
- learn
- learning
- leather
- lemur
- leonardo
- leroy
- lester
- lewis
- life
- life-like
- life-size
- lifesize
- lilith
- linaloe
- lion
- lion's
- living
- lobster
- logger
- long
- lonnie
- lord
- lords
- lotus
- louis
- louisiana
- lovely
- lucky
- luis
- luxury
- lynx
- machine
- made
- madonna
- maestro
- magia
- magic
- magnificent
- mahatma
- majestic
- make
- makie
- making
- makonde
- malin
- mandala
- mandarin
- manzanita
- maori
- maple
- marco
- mark
- markus
- marley
- marples
- mary
- masara
- masonic
- massive
- master
- mastercarver
- matt
- mayan
- mcneill
- medallion
- medieval
- medusa
- meiji
- mermaid
- metal
- mexican
- mexico
- michael
- micro
- mid-century
- midcentury
- mieczyslaw
- millers
- mini
- minnie
- mirrored
- miss
- mitsuaki
- möbius
- mod2
- modern
- modernist
- monkey
- months
- monumental
- moon
- mora
- morchella
- most
- mother
- motorcycle
- mule
- mullanium
- multi
- museum
- mystery
- nagu
- nahual
- namaste'
- nancy
- narex
- narwhal
- native
- nativity
- natural
- nature
- nautical
- neje
- nest
- netsuke
- never
- nice
- nichiren
- nine
- nintendo
- nirvana
- nocturnal
- north
- northstar
- northwest
- nude
- oaxaca
- oaxacan
- oberl
- octopus
- oddities
- odin
- olive
- omtech
- one-of-a-kind
- only
- ooak
- opossum
- orange
- original
- ortur
- otter
- otto
- outsider
- ozark
- pablo
- pacific
- paete
- pair
- paire
- pairvintage
- palau
- palini
- panama
- panel
- pantera
- panti
- paraguayan
- park
- parrot
- patricia
- paul
- peacock
- peacocks
- pear
- pearched
- pedro
- perched
- peregrine
- perfectly
- persian
- pessolano
- peter
- petrified
- pfeil
- pheasant
- philip
- philippines
- phyllis
- physical
- piece
- pieces
- pierced
- pieta
- pillar
- pinocchio
- pintail
- plants
- plantsvszombiestimothy
- polar
- polychrome
- poor
- porcupine
- portland
- possum
- power
- powerful
- pre-sale
- premium
- prepare
- primitive
- process
- professional
- pudge
- puerto
- puffer
- puffin
- puppies
- purple
- putti
- puttiangels
- python
- quality
- quintessential
- quixote
- rabbit
- raccoon
- raikes
- rainbow
- ralph
- rama
- ramelson
- rare
- rare-1958
- rareantique
- rarevintage
- raven
- raymor
- reading
- real
- realistic
- reclaimed
- rectangle
- red-winged
- redefine
- reducedset
- redwood
- reeder
- reel
- reinaldo
- relaxing
- relief
- religious
- remembering
- renaissance
- repairing
- resin
- restoration
- retro
- reupholstered
- review
- rhino
- rhinoceros
- ribbon
- ribon
- richard
- rick
- rita
- robby
- robert
- rochester
- roger
- rooster
- root
- rose
- rosette
- ross
- rotarex
- rotating
- router
- royal
- ruby-throated
- running
- rupicola
- russet
- rustic
- ryobi
- sacred
- saint
- saitama
- sakyamuni
- salazar
- sale-
- samuel
- samurai
- sansone
- saraswati
- satisfying
- schmuckvolle
- scorpion
- screech
- scroll
- sculpted
- sculpting
- sculptor
- sculpture
- seagulls
- seated
- serene
- sergey
- sergio
- seven
- sexy
- shandley
- shark
- shattered
- shell
- shetani
- shinta
- ship
- ships
- shou
- showy
- shun
- sicilian
- signed
- simple
- sistine
- site
- sjobergs
- skeleton
- skinny
- skip
- skull
- small
- smoking
- snail
- snake
- socle
- solid
- sono
- sorrow
- southeast
- southwest
- span
- spectacular
- spectraply
- speed
- spent
- spiral
- spirit
- spoon
- square
- squirrel
- stained
- stan
- stand
- start
- stations
- statue
- statues
- statutes
- steampunk
- steel
- steelhead
- stephen
- steps
- steve
- stop
- strange
- strawser
- striking
- stubaiaustria
- stump
- stunning
- stylized
- sunburst
- super
- superb
- superbly
- superbly-carved
- svante
- swamp
- swedish
- swiss
- syroco
- szczepanik
- taber
- table
- take
- taking
- talented
- tall
- taurus
- taylor
- teaching
- teak
- teakbrass
- teakhaus
- tears
- teddy
- tempting
- tempus
- tested
- tête
- texan
- thai
- thaiburmese
- thailand
- thep
- thick
- thin
- thinker
- thomas
- thoughtful
- thrace
- three
- tibet
- tiki's
- timmy
- totem
- toucan
- traditional
- trail
- transforming
- transforms
- trapper
- tree
- trés
- tribal
- tried
- triumphant
- tropical
- trygg
- turn
- turned
- turning
- turquoise
- turtle
- twin
- ukrainian
- ultimate
- unbelievable
- Uncategorized
- uncle
- unicorn
- unique
- universe
- unsigned
- unusual
- used
- utrecht
- uttermost
- valencia
- vegeta
- veiled
- vendome
- very
- vevor
- vibrant
- victor
- victorian
- vigilant
- vintage
- vintageantique
- vintge
- virgin
- vitarka
- vtge
- vulture
- walking
- wall
- walnut
- wara
- warren
- waving
- wayan
- weathered
- welcome
- welliver
- west
- western
- whale
- whales
- wharton
- whimsical
- white
- whitetail
- whittle
- wholesale
- width
- wild
- wildlife
- william
- winged
- winter
- witco
- wizard
- wolf
- woman
- women
- wonderful
- wood
- woodcarving
- woodcarvingtools
- wooden
- woodpecker
- woodriver
- woodturning
- woodworking
- world
- wusthof
- wwii
- xiang
- y1120
- yantra
- year
- yeti
- yoitarikikougyou
- york
- yoshinaotamahagane
- zapotec
- zbor
- zelkova